Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I am adding some more drawings/sketches.  Some are not finished yet.

This was a pencil drawing.  I experimented with blending the animal into the scribbles.  I don't really like how it is working.

This is an experiment using color.  I am trying to figure out how I can use color to get some effects that I can do in charcoal.  I am still experimenting.......

This drawing is not resolved yet.  This was a photo I took of a mother and her fawn.  They were in a corral that were destined for the slaughterhouse two days after I was there.  The mother was destined to go.  The fawn would stay.  I am experimenting with how to portray this concept of tragic separation.  I am still thinking about how I would show this. I thought of disintegrating, fading, turning her into blocks and moving them around...............

I am playing with the concept of reflection here. 

I am still working on this one.  I will be trying to add antlers, etc.  breaking off and swirling around.

This is another stage of the one above.  Still not done-not satisfied with distribution, balance or values of the outer objects.  Need to tone things down.

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